Self love: 10 tips to develop your self love

Do you feel unlovable? Do you put up with mediocre relationships or allow others to constantly disrespect you? Do you end up broke and alone for the sake of having fun? The absence of our self love is the core of almost all our problems.

We can never say it enough: to be able to love anyone, you must first love yourself. This is the first step of personal development! And that takes time and kindness. So here are the 10 steps to fueling your love for yourself.

1-Abandon all forms of criticism

Self love vs criticism
Self love vs criticism

Criticism does damage! And this is all the more visible when it is turned against you. Because our thoughts and our words have an impact on our reality: to criticize you is to deny and reject what you are.

2-Be kind to yourself.

Be kind to yourself
Be kind to yourself

Learning to love yourself takes patience and forbearance. Try to guide your thoughts and words so that they are as gentle as possible. 

If this seems overwhelming, act on yourself as you would on someone you love deeply. Take the time you need, because there is no hurry in learning self love!

3-Encourage and compliment each other

Encourage to have self love
Encourage to have self love

Unlike reviews, compliments have unsuspected benefits! Your personal qualities are undeniably numerous, and it is not being narcissistic to recognize it! 

As soon as you accomplish something, point it out and compliment yourself.Whether it’s having a constructive conversation with a loved one or a job well done at work, it’s already an achievement.

 Frequent encouragement boosts self-confidence and highlights your multiple abilities.

4-Come to terms with your flaws

Perfection does not exist: each person has a share of shadows and paradoxes. Accepting your flaws and limitations is a first step towards self love.

 Each weakness can become a strength, from the moment we are aware of it and accept it.Identifying your own limits means being able to analyze them with kindness and gradually try to transform them. 

If you have trouble being comfortable in public, take diction and eloquence lessons. If you’re afraid to travel, hitchhike with a friend. Easier said than done ? Remember that projecting fear is always worse than acting it out!

5-Take care of your body

self love
Self love

Self love is whole: it concerns your mind, your heart and your body at the same time. Take care of them, do yourself good. And for starters, nothing like food.

 We now know that the belly is our second brain, so it affects our bodily health… and our mental health! Eating well also enhances your joy of living. Cutting social networks, taking the time to sleep, to walk around, to do mediation and yoga are also activities with many benefits.

6-Forgive yourself for best self love

self love
Self love

Dwelling on the past does not allow us to move forward. Making choices is a constant in our existence, and each of them has a purpose: if you have made a decision, it is because it was good for you at this moment in your life. 

You cannot go back to the past, but you can transform the future. Everything can evolve, at any age and in any situation. And if stagnation is the best you can do for now, embrace it. It will not always be so.

7-Dare to be authentic

Making decisions based on what is expected of you can lead to a loss of authenticity. Trusting yourself also means assuming your thoughts and being able to affirm them.

 Do not try to move forward hidden: express your feelings to your loved ones. Honesty has many virtues, starting with forging authentic and caring relationships.

 Assume what you are, because anyone can love you in your entirety… Especially yourself!

8-Listen to yourself

Be yourself
Self love

To be at peace with yourself, you have to remain attentive to your needs and find what is a source of satisfaction for you. It’s about getting to know yourself and listening to your instincts. 

Ask yourself questions like, “What do you like doing? or “How can I adapt my life situation to current needs?” If it helps, feel free to make a list of your wants, needs, and dislikes. Being aligned with your desires is the basis of self love.

9-Focus on the positive for your self love

positives of loving yourself
Self love

The smallest detail can be made beautiful, as long as your eyes can welcome its splendor! Even though the brain is not a muscle, we are able to exercise and develop it.

 And like all gymnastics, that of the brain is perfected by repetition! So try every day to find a part of beauty in your daily life. If it helps, get a notebook and jot down three nice things that happened to you each day.

10-Get rid of malicious relationships

Having respect for yourself also means setting limits on those around you… even if it means sometimes moving away from toxic individuals. 

Countless fantastic people are waiting for you, stop poisoning yourself with those who hurt you.

self love motivates you to make healthy choices in life. When you hold yourself in high esteem, you’re more likely to choose things that nurture your well-being and serve you well. These things may be in the form of eating healthy, exercising or having healthy relationships.What does self love mean to you?

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