Why do we resist living in the here and now?

Why is it so hard for us to keep our minds focused on where and when we are, and live now? Even when we know how beneficial it can be for us to increase our well being, and connect to the present, resistance arises that makes it difficult for us.

A priori, it is easier to let the day pass and let the next day come than to “seize the moment”. What does that say about us? Some people are unable to live in the moment, to focus on the now. They are dependent on the past to live in the present. 

How to live at the moment ?

How to live now
How to live at the moment

Living at this moment of time means being attentive, aware of everything that is happening at this precise moment: smells, colors, sounds, sensations, etc. ; precisely everything that we perceive “now”. No matter what activity you are doing.

If you are walking, pay attention to the environment around you, birds singing, trees moving in the wind, or buildings around you.

If you are angry, sad or having a negative feeling, pay attention to what is going through your mind, analyze what triggered it, and sincerely seek the “real” cause. Being in the here and now also means fully living your negative state, without trying to escape or reject it. Because only by facing it will it last as short as possible.

If, on the contrary, you experience a moment of euphoria, happiness, joy; make it last as long as possible. Live it deeply, without wondering if it will last or not.

So live all these moments intensely, without thinking about what happened an hour ago, yesterday, last weekend or in your childhood. And without thinking about what will be tomorrow.

And here are 5 tips to get there

1. Do something for yourself

Do something for yourself
Do something for yourself

Whether it’s reading, knitting, or watching an episode of your favorite TV show, find a relaxing activity that makes you happy. Think about it: when we are focused on A, we cannot think of XYZ. We are just completely absorbed by A.

2. Breathe deeply

Live now: breathe deeply
Breathe deeply

How many people actually take the time to breathe properly every day? Although I don’t have any stats to back it up, I think you and I can agree that it’s not the majority of us. 

Yet it is so simple; it is enough to inspire by inflating the belly well and to expire by deflating it completely. Repeat this exercise a few times, you will intuitively know when you have done enough. 

In yoga, it is suggested to exhale twice as long as you inhale. Thus, if you inhale for 4 seconds, it is advisable to exhale for 8 seconds. It relaxes the nervous system and calms the mind. If you prefer, you can even close your eyes.

 In any case, practice this exercise in a way that makes you feel comfortable; you can close your eyes, keep them open, put on relaxing music, put no music on, etc. Really, you just have to take advantage of this moment to reconnect with yourself. You are alive and that is all that matters at the moment of this exercise.

3. Live now and listen to the sensations of your body

Live now: the sensations of your body
The sensations of your body

Your body is the most effective tool to tell you how you feel right now. Why? Well, your body, unlike your mind, is always in the moment! So, ask yourself: is he hungry? Is he tired? How does he feel emotionally? 

No matter what the answers to these questions are, they will intuitively allow you to be aware of your needs.

4. Do meditation, relaxation and/or visualization

Live now: Meditation, relaxation and/or visualization
Meditation, relaxation and/or visualization

Practicing any of these three approaches helps me tremendously on a daily basis. Although there are differences between these, all three allow us to clear our minds and stop thinking about our millions of responsibilities and concerns. 

While meditation aims for awareness and contemplation of our thoughts, feelings and sensations, relaxation aims to completely relax the mind and body. Visualization, on the other hand, consists of using our imagination to visualize certain situations in our mind. 

Among other things, you can do visualization to relax, to be more confident or to excel at a job interview.When it comes to reconnecting with the present moment, the three exercises mentioned here are all very effective in their own way. Try it out and find out for yourself what works best for you!

5. Live now and do exercise

Living now: exercise

The benefits of exercise for both physical and mental health are touted. Physical exercise is the solution to many ailments. However, did you know that it can also allow you to live totally in the present moment? 

Moving, being an activity that requires a lot of effort, makes us forget our concerns of all kinds. Think about it: when you’re busy doing squats and lifting tons of dumbbells, do you really have time to think about what you’re having for dinner tomorrow night?

Find an exercise that allows you to disconnect and be totally present here and now.

Finally, the purpose of this article is not to convince you to be connected with the present moment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. No, really, the purpose of this article is only to show you that there are plenty of resources to do this.

 After all, what is important is that you find what allows you to be the best version of yourself and, above all, to be happy,to enjoy life; it should not become an obligation. Do it to relax and clear your mind; do it because you deserve it!

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